We’ll be singing your praises!

You are ridiculous, I can't believe they're up already... SO FANTASTIC. Thank you for all your hard work, we couldn't have asked for a better shoot.

• Elizabeth | Sales Manager, Marriott

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Portfolio of work

| Drink 'em in |

Portfolio of Images

| Drink 'em in |

You’re incredible!

My sincere thanks for making me and my broker look so good. Calls came hours after the photos went up! You are 1st rate... and I owe you another plate of Nachos!!!

• Lisa | Agent, Krueger Realty

It all starts here

| Trust your gut. Get in touch. |

It all starts here

| Trust your gut. Get in touch. |

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It all starts here

| Trust your gut. Get in touch. |

It all starts here

| Trust your gut. Get in touch. |

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That’s freakin’ Amazing!!

You... are a genius! Everybody’s really excited about these. Thanks so much!

• Steve | CEO, Unitis Industrial Supply

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you….

WOW!! That's the comment shouted around the offices this morning from everyone who saw these! You did such a GREAT job! I'm so excited to show the client!

• Gina | CEO, Mancuso Media

We are Studio 512

We are

Studio 512

Welcome to our little corner of the Webosphere! We're Kellye + Eddie Bojorquez but you can just call us The Bojos. Here's a bit about us...


• Our studio is pronounced 'Five-Twelve' and we hate bad photography.

• Mediocre images of your space shouldn't be a lingering smell that embarasses you in public.

• Though based in San Diego, we'll go.... just about anywhere to shoot a great property.

• We take our service and your images very seriously. Ourselves; not so much.

• You'll talk to Eddie every time you contact us and we'll treat you like our only client.

• We strongly believe in quality over quantity and listen carefully to your needs and vision.

• Every image we deliver is custom edited and composited with a fierce attention to detail.

• Lights, professionalism, and a good attitude always accompany our shoots.

• We're not 'budget' photogs, but may surprise you about your return on investment.

• In fact, we've been told our work looks like a million bucks. (That's like a million 1 dollar bills!)

• We're known to shoot portraits, events, and cars. Got a great ride? Let's talk!

• Eddie studied architecture and has a film degree. Kellye's an amazing and beloved high school teacher.

• Our relationship with God spurs us on to treat clients with the utmost respect + honesty.

• We'll provide fun times and nice things. Others: heartbreak and despair. The choice is yours.

• Eddie is present at every shoot. Kellye works the numbers and may even show up on location!

• We never put down our competitors, but they're actually just fronts for child labor.

• We are Studio 512 and we're excited to meet you!

• Our boutique-style studio is pronounced 'Studio Five-Twelve'.

• We take our service and your images very seriously. Ourselves; not so much.

• You'll talk to Eddie every time you contact us and we'll treat you like our only client.

• We strongly believe in quality over quantity and listen carefully to your needs and vision.

• We're based in San Diego but will go.... just about anywhere for a great property.

• Every image we deliver is custom edited and composited with a fierce attention to detail.

• Lights, professionalism, and a good attitude always accompany our shoots.

• We're not 'budget' photogs', but may surprise you about your return on investment.

• We've been told our work looks like a million bucks. (That's like a million 1 dollar bills!)

• Our relationship with God spurs us on to treat you with the utmost respect + honesty.

• Eddie studied architecture and has a film degree. Kellye's a beloved high school teacher.

• We're known to shoot portraits, events, and cars. Got a great ride? Let's talk!

• We never put down our competitors, but they're actually just fronts for child labor.

• We are Studio 512 and we're excited to meet you!

• Our studio is pronounced 'Five-Twelve' and we love to spoil our clients.

• We're based in San Diego and will go... almost anywhere to shoot a great property.

• We take our service and your images very seriously. Ourselves; not so much.

• You'll talk to Eddie every time you contact us and we'll treat you like our only client.

• We strongly believe in: quality over quantity, listening carefully to your needs, and that...

• mediocre photos shouldn't embarrass you in public - like waving to someone you thought you knew.

• Every image we deliver is custom edited and composited with a fierce attention to detail.

• Lights, professionalism, and a good attitude accompany our every shoot.

•Kellye works behind the scenes and is an amazing and beloved high school teacher.

• Eddie studied architecture and has a degree in television, film, and new media.

• We're also known to shoot portraits and cars. Got a great ride? Let's talk!

• Our relationship with God spurs us on to treat clients with the utmost respect and honesty.

• Eddie is present at every shoot. Kellye works the numbers and may even be on location!

• We provide: great images and service. Others: heartbreak and despair. The choice is yours.

• We are Studio 512 and we're excited to work with you!

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